Quest is usually defeating some monster at that quest's area, or find some items dropped by all or specific monster at that quest's area, the drop item usually looks like a yellow gift box with red ribbon, don't get your expectation too high if that box dropped because if you're at maze areas, it could be an accelerator, at silver lake it could be a mysterious forest dust, or file island waterfront it could be a white leaf clover, or the worst, at everywhere it could be a memory chip)
If you're done with the quest, the npc has a RED question mark
Daily Quest's exclamation mark color is BLUE and daily quest could be repeated once each day)
(Main Quest tanda seru warna PINK , kalau Sub-Quest yang tanda seru warna HIJAU
Quest pada umumnya bunuh monster di sekitar area quest itu berada, atau kumpulin barang (drop berbentuk kado dari monster yang bersangkutan)
Kalau sudah selesai questnya, cari npc yang ada tanda tanya MERAH
Daily Quest tanda seru BIRU bisa diulang tiap hari 1x)
Quest guide besarnya 12MB dengan gambar item (tapi belum lengkap) <<<< klik!
Dasar-Dasar Quest. Credit: ExHikaru <<<< klik!
Trik agar lebih gampang nge-Quest. Credit: antoun <<<< klik!
(?) = Not sure / ga yakin
IMPORTANT: i use japanese for npc's and digimon's name / PENTING: gw pakai sebutan asli alias jepangnya, baik nama npc maupun digimon
Satsuma = Richard Sampson
Tsuchidarumon = MudFrigimon
Yukidarumon = Frigimon
Western Village
- Talk to Starmon at Western Town (5796exp, 457B). Kill Togemon & Woodmon each 5. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Kurata at Western Town (5571exp, 437B). Collect 5 Woodmon Bark from Woodmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (3205exp, 342B). Collect 5 Togemon Needle from Togemon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Starmon (3996exp, 297B). Kill Togemon Leader & Woodmon Leader each 5. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (225exp, 100B). Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Impmon (3433exp, 247B). Kill 5 Impmon. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Kurata (562exp, 100B). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (225exp, 50B). Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1180exp, 250B). Go to the right path destination Western Outskirt. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon Young (3433exp 247B). Collect 5 Suspicious Object . Talk to Tsuchidarumon Young
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon Caring (7708exp, 627B). Collect 8 Food bags from all Wild Digimon at Western Town/Impmon(?). Talk to Tsuchidarumon Caring
- Talk to Impmon (270exp, 100B). Bring Suspicious Object to Starmon
- Talk to Impmon (225exp, 100B). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Starmon (225exp, 100B). Talk to Starmon at West Town Edge
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (5571exp, 100B). Collect 5 Goods Supply List from Impmon/Digmon. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1180exp, 250B). Use Flare at the right path to Western Outskirt
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (225exp, 100B). Talk to Tsuchidarumon Young, Tsuchidarumon Caring, Starmon. Talk to WPawnChessmon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (22747exp, 2M 79B). Bring Antidote to Kurata
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (675exp. 150B). Talk to WPawnChessmon at West Town Edge
- Talk to Kurata (3546exp, 257B). Collect 5 Digmon's Shell . Talk to Kurata
Western Outskirt
- Talk to Starmon at West Town Edge (6264exp, 1M 435B). Collect 10 Suspicious Object from all Wild Digimon at West Town Edge
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (1912exp, 400B). Go to RedVegiemon, Kiwimon, NPC Head Leomon & Flymon area
- Talk to Kurata (4632exp, 1M). Collect 8 Beast Sample from Kiwimon
- Talk to Kurata (8514exp, 2M 35B). Kill 8 RedVegiemon
- Talk to Impmon (4015exp, 685B). Collect 5 ????? from RedVegiemon
- #Talk to WPawnChessmon (5625exp, 1M 100B). Collect DATS Emblem from all Wild Digimon at West Town Edge
- #Talk to Kurata (4015exp, 685B). Collect 5 Flymon Wing from Flymon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Starmon (337exp, 100B). Talk to Satsuma
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (225exp, 50B). Use DATS Emblem to Kurata
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (225exp, 50B). Use DATS Emblem to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Kurata (6264exp, 1M 435B). Collect 8 Birdramon Blood Sample from Birdramon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1180exp, 200B). Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1180exp, 200B). Bring Tsuchidarumon's Letter to Head Leomon at West Town Edge
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (2737exp, 856B). Use DATS Emblem to Flymon Leader, Birdramon Leader, RedVegiemon Leader, Kiwimon Leader. Talk to WPawnChessmon
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (573exp, 100B). Bring DATS Emblem to Starmon
- Talk to Kurata (4014exp, 835B). Kill 5 Leomon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (6264exp, 1M 435B). Collect 5 Variation Sample from all [Variation] Wild Digimon at West Town Edge
- Talk to Head Leomon (11664exp, 2M 875B). Kill Flymon Leader, Birdramon Leader, RedVegiemon Leader, Kiwimon Leader each 5. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (4014exp, 835B, Soldier Pants). Collect 5 Medical Kit . Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Starmon (573exp, 100B). Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (3352exp, 580B).
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (562exp, 100B). Talk to WPawnChessmon at Western Area East
- Talk to Kurata (5476exp, 1M 225B). Kill 8 Leomon Leader. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Head Leomon (19764exp, 5M 35B). Kill Flymon Var., Birdramon Var., RedVegiemon Var., Kiwimon Var. each 10
- Talk to Head Leomon (562exp, 100B). Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Satsuma (225exp, 100B). Talk to Kenji
- Talk to Kenji (450exp, 100B). Bring Suspicious Object to Kurata at Western Town
- Talk to Kurata (2106exp, 267B). Collect 8 Leomon's Dagger from Leomon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Head Leomon (505exp, 100B). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Head Leomon (4500exp, 1M, Elecmon Digiegg). Kill 3 Leomon Variation. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Kurata (505exp, 150B). Talk to Kurata at Western Area East
- Talk to Kurata (4969exp, 1M 226B). Collect 5 Variation Sample from all [Variation] Wild Digimon at West Town Edge. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (6750exp, 1M 500B, Town Tele DATS). Collect 8 Suspicious Object2 & 5 DATS Emblem2 from Leomon. Talk to Kurata
Western Area East
- Talk to Starmon (14287exp, 3M 405B). Kill 10 Dobermon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Kurata (8775exp, 2M 70B). Kill 15 Leomon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (4576exp, 760B). Collect 5 Dobermon's Tooth from Dobermon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (5679exp, 1M 207B). Collect 8 Revolmon's Bullet from Revolmon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (2250exp, 480B). Collect Broken Box from all Wild Digimon at Western Area East/Greymon(?). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (13581exp, 3M 160B). Collect 8 Supplies Crate from all Wild Digimon at Western Area East. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (562exp, 100B). Talk to Greymon
- Talk to Greymon (4576exp, 1M 60B). Kill 8 Greymon. Talk to Greymon
- Talk to Greymon (1125exp, 125B). Talk to Greymon
- Talk to Starmon (1125exp, 125B). Talk to Wanted Revolmon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Greymon (2250exp, 500B, Agumon Digiegg 3/3). Talk to Greymon
- Talk to Kurata (2106exp, 267B). Collect 5 Greymon's Tooth from Greymon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (562exp, 100B). Bring List of Needed Supplies to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Kurata (6412exp, 1M 305B). Collect 8 Leomon Blood Sample from Leomon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (562exp, 100B). Bring List of Needed Supplies to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (14706exp, 3M 460B). Collect 8 Gunpowder from Revolmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Starmon (6826exp, 1M 360B). Kill 5 Revolmon & 5 Revolmon Leader. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Impmon (2326exp, 760B). Use 10 Stink Bomb 10x to Revolmon Leader. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Kurata (2475exp, 500B). Use Shovel & Leomon Blood Sample to Leomon & Leomon Leader. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (30901exp, 1M 720B). Kill 10 Leomon & Leomon Leader. Use a bomb at Leomon's area & Leomon Leader's area. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (2445exp, 377B). Kill 10 Golemon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (1125exp, 1M, Town Tele WesternTown). Bring Kurata's Report to Hashiba
- Talk to Greymon. Talk to Yukidarumon at Wilderness Area
Wilderness Area
- Talk to Yukidarumon (1M 188B). Collect 5 Rare herbs from Piyomon
- Talk to Injured Leomon C (2700exp, 500B). Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (5766exp, 738B). Talk to Injured Leomon A, Injured Leomon B, Injured Leomon C, Injured Leomon D. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Kurata (8872exp, 600B). Kill 5 Piyomon & Collect 5 Piyomon Regular Egg from Piyomon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (9050exp, 400B). Collect Dark Tower Piece 1 , 2 & 3 each 5 from all Wild Digimon at Wilderness Area. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (9050exp, 300B). Kill 8 Piyomon Leader, 5 Sabirdramon Leader, 3 Boarmon Leader, 3 Stingmon Leader. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to BPawnChessmon (2250exp, 200B). Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Impmon (10998exp, 2M 313B). Kill 10 Piyomon & 5 Piyomon Leader. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Yukidarumon(3375exp, 250B). Use Meds to BPawnChessmon. Talk to BPawnChessmon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (10500exp, 600B). Collect 5 Medicinal Herbs Leaf from Stingmon & 5 Devimon Tooth from Devimon. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Impmon (1125exp, 125B). Babamon at Wind Valley. Talk to Impmon at Wilderness Area
- Talk to Impmon (9875exp, 700B). Collect Wild Boar Rissole from Boarmon. Use it to Impmon. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Yushima (7875exp, 700B). Kill 5 Stingmon & 3 Stingmon Leader. Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Injured Leomon A (4248exp, 513B). Collect Volunimous Feather from Piyomon. Use it near NPC Yushima. Talk to Injured Leomon A
- Talk to Injured Leomon B (11728exp, 2M 688B). Kill 15 Boarmon. Talk to Injured Leomon B
- Talk to Kurata (2250exp, 200B). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (13140exp, 700B). Kill 8 Boarmon, Collect 8 Boarmon Poop. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Impmon (2250exp, 200B, Impmon Digiegg). Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Injured Leomon D (7228exp, 1M 188B). Collect 5 Torn Flag from Stingmon. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Kurata (10000exp, 400B, 5 Corn Bread). Kill 5 Boarmon, Collect 5 Boarmon Poop. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (2250exp, 200B). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (17000exp, 800B). Kill 10 Stingmon, 10 Boarmon Leader, 5 Sabirdramon, 5 Devimon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (2250exp, 200B). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (2250exp, 200B). Talk to Injured Leomon A
- Talk to Yukidarumon (12350exp, 700B). Kill Sabirdramon Leader & Devimon Leader each 5
- Talk to Injured Leomon A (2250exp, 200B). Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (14500exp, 700B). Collect 3 Medicinal Herbs Leaf from Stingmon & 3 Devimon Tooth from Devimon. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (3375exp, 250B). Use the Meds to Injured Leomon A. Talk to Injured Leomon A
- Talk to Injured Leomon A (4500exp, 300B). Use the Leomon's Flag to Head Leomon. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to BPawnChessmon (2250exp, 200B). Talk to WPawnChessmon at Wind Valley
- Talk to Impmon. Kill Boarmon & Boarmon Leader each 5. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Impmon (4560exp, 1M 206B). Kill Stingmon & Stingmon Leader each 5. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Impmon (4735exp, 1M 359B). Kill 5 Sabirdramon & 5 Devimon, Collect 1 Suspicious DATA from Devimon
- Talk to Impmon (1125exp, 125B). Bring the Suspicious DATA to Babamon
Wind Valley
- Talk to Kurata (3876exp, 659B). Kill 3 Leomon Seeker. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Jijimon (4050exp, 700B, 5 Corn Bread). Collect each 5 Jijimon's Scoop & 5 Jijimon's Bowl from Dogmon. Talk to Jijimon
- Talk to Babamon (4950exp, 1M). Kill 8 Dogmon & 5 Dogmon Leader. Talk to Babamon
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (7875exp, 1M). Collect Ikuto's Boomerang part 1 & part 2 each 1 from Icemon. Talk to WPawnChessmon
- Talk to Kurata (7425exp, 1M). Collect 5 Research Material from Dogmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (7425exp, 1M). Collect 8 Research Material from Dogmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Babamon (5625exp, 1M 100B). Collect Babamon's Weapon & Jijimon's Weapon each 1 from Icemon. Talk to Babamon
- Talk to WPawnChessmon (1500exp, 1M). Talk to Babamon & Jijimon. Talk to WPawnChessmon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (13005exp, 1M 500B). Collect Ikuto's Boomerang part 3 from Garurumon. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (2000exp, 1M). Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Kurata (3375exp, 500B). Kill 3 Leomon Seeker. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Jijimon (17340exp, 1M 500B). Collect 5 Garurumon Claws from Garurumon. Talk to Jijimon
- Talk to Kurata (2000exp, 1M). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (12536exp, 1M 500B). Collect 10 New Evil Ring from Leomon Seeker/Garurumon/All Digimon in that map(?). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (7336exp, 1M). Collect 8 Leomon's Tooth from Leomon Seeker. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Jijimon (17340exp, 1M 500B). Collect Brown Cloth from Leomon Seeker
- Talk to Babamon (8208exp, 1M 514B). Collect Cold Rock & Sharp Tooth each 5 from Icemon & Dogmon. Talk to Babamon
- Talk to Babamon (6070exp, 944B). Collect Garurumon Leaf Rake from Garurumon/Dogmon(?)
- Talk to Babamon (6261exp, 956B). Collect 5 Virus DATA from IceDevimon. Talk to Babamon
- Talk to Kurata (4500exp, 1M). Use Evil Ring Prototype to Leomon Seeker
- Talk to Babamon (1800exp, 450B). Talk to Impmon at Wilderness Area
- Talk to Impmon at Wilderness Area (3286exp, 276B, Evil Ring Destroyer ). Talk to BPawnChessmon
- Talk to Impmon (900exp, 150B). Talk to Starmon at Western Town
- Talk to BPawnChessmon (180exp, 100B). Talk to Satsuma
- Talk to Starmon at Western Town (1125exp, 150B). Talk to Starmon at Digimon Farm
- Talk to Miki (300exp, 100B). Talk to Kurata at Snow Village)
- Talk to Satsuma (180exp, 100B). Talk to Misuzu at Yokohama Town
- Talk to Satsuma (180exp, 100B). Talk to Yushima at Yokohama Town
- Talk to Misuzu (180exp, 100B, 3 Fatigue Restore). Talk to Kenji
- Talk to Yushima (180exp, 100B). Talk to Satsuma
- Talk to Kenji (8299exp, 1M 135B). Talk to Yushima at Ruined Historic
Digimon Farm
- Talk to Starmon at Digimon Farm (7507exp, 1M 346B). Kill 5 Blossommon & Bring the Evil Ring Destroyer . Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (11220exp, 2M 36B). Collect 10 Evil Ring from Blossommon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (125B). Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (863B). Talk to Tsuchidarumon Young, Tsuchidarumon Caring, Tsuchidarumon Angry. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (125B). Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (150B). Talk to Kurata. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Kurata (1M 691B). Bring ???? ??? , Kill 10 Cerberumon, 5 Cerberumon Leader. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (827B). Bring ???? ??? , talk to Tsuchidarumon Young, Tsuchidarumon Caring, Tsuchidarumon Angry. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (150B). Talk to Kurata at Ruined Historic
- Talk to Kurata (1M 277B). Collect 5 Kurata's Research , Experiment Material & 3 Experiment Tools from Leomon Hunter. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (2M 36B). Collect 10 Digi-Core from Monzaemon/WaruMonzaemon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (976B). Kill 5 Blossommon. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Revolmon (1M 15B). Collect 4 Well Milk Ingredients from Monzaemon. Talk to Revolmon Talk to Tsuchidarumon at Digimon Farm. Kill 5 Blossommon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon. Collect 4 from Monzaemon
- Talk to Revolmon (1M 15B). Talk to Revolmon
- Talk to Revolmon (1M 15B). Collect 4 Trump Pieces from Cerberumon. Talk to Revolmon
- Talk to Revolmon (293B). Use 4 Trump Card to 4 Tsuchidarumons. Talk to Revolmon
- Talk to Revolmon (1M 952B). Kill 10 Tailmon, 5 Tailmon Leader. Talk to Revolmon
- Talk to Revolmon (293B). Use 4 to 4 Tsuchidarumons. Talk to Revolmon
- Talk to Revolmon (976B). Kill 5 Leomon, collect 3 Starmon Weakness Document from Leomon. Talk to Revolmon
- Talk to Revolmon (1M 757B). Go to , , , , area. Talk to Revolmon
- Talk to Revolmon (195B). Use to Blossommon Leader area, use New Proof of Reliability kill Summoned Revolmon. Talk to Revolmon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (878B). Use 3 Digital Cameras to Monzaemon. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 952B). Kill 7 Monzaemon, 3 Monzaemon Leader. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 952B). Kill 7 Strikedramon. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 952B). Kill 7 Tailmon, 3 Tailmon Leader. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 952B). Kill 3 WaruMonzaemon Leader, 3 Blossommon Leader. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (878B). Use 3 to Cerberumon Leader. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (878B). Use 3 to Tailmon Leader. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
Ruined Historic
- Talk to Yushima at Ruined Historic (1M 768B). Collect 5 Evil ring from all Wild Digimon at Ruined Historic/Garudamon(?). Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Yushima (2M 458B). Kill MetalGreymon & Garudamon each 10. Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Yushima (150B). Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Impmon (1M 423B). Collect 5 Ice cold from Panjyamon. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Impmon (1M 423B). Collect 5 MetalGreymon Teeth from MetalGreymon. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Impmon (1M 500B). Talk to Kurata. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Impmon (1M 147B). Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Yushima (1M 147B). Talk to Satsuma
- Talk to Kurata (1M 768B). Collect 10 Shadow of the Digicore from Leomon Elite. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (1M 423B). Collect 5 Evil Ring DATA from MetalGreymon or Garudamon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (1M 147B). Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to King SaberLeomon (150B). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (150B). Bring Kurata's Research to Hashiba
- Talk to Hawkmon (). Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (362B). Use 3 Digital Cameras to Kyuubimon. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (362B, ). Use to Hawkmon
- Talk to Hawkmon (1M 87B). Use 3 Digital Pen to Panjyamon. Talk to Hawkmon
- Talk to Hawkmon (5M 653B). Kill 10 Panjyamon, 5 Panjyamon Leader, Collect 3 Dead Crystal from Panjyamon. Talk to Hawkmon
- Talk to Hawkmon (5M 653B). Kill 10 Garudamon, 5 Garudamon Leader, Collect 3 ??? Crystal from Garudamon. Talk to Hawkmon
- Talk to Hawkmon (5M 653B). Kill 10 Aquilamon, 5 Aquilamon Leader, Collect 3 Eagle Crystal from Aquilamon. Talk to Hawkmon
- Talk to Hawkmon (1M 256B). Kill 10 MetalGreymon Leader, Collect 4 Heritage Map Evil Ring from MetalGreymon Leader. Talk to Hawkmon
- Talk to Hawkmon (242B). Go to between Garudamons area and a gate. Use Portable Vaccine Player . Talk to Hawkmon
Western Area West
- Talk to Falcomon (18300exp, 2M). Collect Meds from Pumpmon. Use Meds to Falcomon
- Talk to Wizard Pumpmon at Western Area West (22973exp, 3M). Kill 8 Pumpmon & 5 Pumpmon Leader. Talk to Wizard Pumpmon
- Talk to Kurata (13240exp, 2M 500B). Collect 5 Okuwamon Hook from Okuwamon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Falcomon (19860exp, 2M 500B). Collect Ikuto's Necklace from Okuwamon. Talk to Falcomon
- Talk to Falcomon (4000exp, 1M 500B). Talk to Falcomon
- Talk to Kurata (23040exp, 3M). Collect 8 Shark Missile from GiantSkullGreymon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Wizard Pumpmon (24192exp, 3M 500B). Kill 5 Pumpmon Leader & 8 Okuwamon. Talk to Wizard Pumpmon
Dark Tower
- Talk to Falcomon at Dark Tower (36150exp, 3M). Kill 10 Dark Wormmon. Talk to Falcomon
- Talk to Kurata (18582exp, 3M 500B). Kill 12 Dark Wormmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Falcomon (15260exp, 3M). Kill 5 Dark Wormmon. Talk to Falcomon
- Talk to Kurata (15424exp, 3M 300B). Collect 8 Dark Tower South Data from Dark Wormmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (12000exp, 2M 500B). Kill 5 Dark Wormmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (16748exp, 3M 800B). Kill 10 Dark Bakemon & collect 8 Dark Tower Southwest DATA from Dark Bakemon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (13761exp, 4M). Kill 10 Dark SkullGreymon & SkullGreymon, collect 8 Dark Tower Northwest DATA from Dark Bakemon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (12600exp, 4M). Collect 8 SkullGreymon's data from SkullGreymon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (15261exp, 4M 300B). Kill 10 Dark SkullMeramon & Collect 8 Dark Tower West DATA from Dark SkullMeramon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Yushima (3M). Go to all Dark area. Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Yushima (3M). Kill 10 SkullGreymon, 8 WarGreymon, Collect 8 North East Dark Tower DATA from DarkVeemon. Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Yushima (5M). Kill 10 Dark Veemon. Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Kurata (3M 200B). Use 5 to all Dark area. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (5M 500B). Kill 8 All Dark Digimon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (10500exp, 2M). Use Digimon Brainwashing Device to 5 SkullGreymon. Talk to Kurata
OLD Yokohama + Oil Refinery
- Talk to Satsuma (100B). Talk to Miki at Yokohama Town
- Talk to Miki at Yokohama Town (100B). Talk to Miki at Yokohama East V
- Talk to Miki at Yokohama Town. Talk to Refinery Employee at Yokohama East V
- Talk to Miki Yokohama East V (4M 323B). Kill SkullGreymon, WaruMonzaemon, SkullSatamon, WereGarurumon each 10 at Oil Refinery 1. Talk to Miki
- Talk to Miki (100B). Talk to Miki at Oil Refinery 2
- Talk to Mechanic A at Oil Refinery 1 (2M 48B).
- Talk to Mechanic A at Oil Refinery 1 (3M 573B). Collect 15 Repair Equipment from all Wild Digimon at Oil Refinery 1
- Talk to Mechanic B (2M 823B, Report A ). Kill 10 SkullGreymon & WaruMonzaemon. Talk to Mechanic B
- Talk to Mechanic C (1M 698B, Report B ). Collect 5 Report Fragment from WaruMonzaemon. Talk to Mechanic C
- Talk to Mechanic D (2M 448B, Report C ). Kill 10 SkullSatamon & 5 SkullSatamon Leader. Talk to Mechanic D
- Talk to Mechanic A (250B). Talk to Mechanic at Oil Refinery 2
- Talk to Miki at Oil Refinery 2 (4M 30B). Kill 10 Shinduramon, Volcamon, Cherrymon, Insekimon. Talk to Miki
- Talk to Mechanic A (1M). Talk to Mechanic B, Mechanic C, Mechanic D. Talk to Mechanic A
- Talk to Mechanic B (1M 473B). Collect 2 Container truck keys from all Wild Digimon at Oil Refinery 2. Talk to Mechanic B
- Talk to Mechanic C (2M 954B). Kill 10 Shinduramon. Talk to Mechanic C
- Talk to Mechanic D (3M 30B). Kill 10 Cherrymon, Volcamon. Talk to Mechanic D
- Talk to Kurata (3M 500B). Kill 10 Insekimon, Cherrymon, Shinduramon, Volcamon.
- Talk to Miki (100B). Talk to Satsuma
- Talk to Satsuma (15M 73B). Collect SaberLeomon's Tooth. Talk to Satsuma
- Talk to Satsuma (1M)
- Talk to Hell's Cerberumon at Western Town (1M 398B). Collect 1 Chikas Birthday Gift from. Talk to Sayuri at Yokohama Town
- Talk to Miki at Oil Refinery 3 (M), Kill 15 Vikaralamon, NeoDevimon, SaberLeomon. Talk to Miki
- Talk to Kurata (M). Collect 10 Saberleomon's DATA from SaberLeomon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Mechanic (M). Kill 10 Insekimon, NeoDevimon, Vikaralamon. Talk to Mechanic
- Talk to Miki (5M). Kill 10 Insekimon, NeoDevimon, Vikaralamon
- Talk to Mechanic A (M). Kill 10 NeoDevimon. Talk to Mechanic A
- Talk to Kurata (3M). Kill SaberLeomon Boss. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Mechanic A (2M). Kill 10 NeoDevimon. Talk to Mechanic A
- Talk to Mechanic B (2M). Kill 10 Vikaralamon. Talk to Mechanic B
- Talk to Mechanic C (4M). Kill 10 SaberLeomon. Talk to Mechanic C
- Talk to Miki (1M 500B). Kill 10 Insekimon, NeoDevimon, Vikaralamon. Talk to Miki
Snow Village
- Talk to Kurata at Snow Village (3M). Kill 8 Gabumon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (2M 500B). Collect 8 Gabumon's Garment from Gabumon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (3M). Collect 8 Gabumon's Horn from Gabumon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (3M).
- Talk to SuperStarmon (2M). Kill 10 Guilmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (3M). Kill 10 Guilmon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (200B). Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (4M). Kill 5 Guilmon & 8 Guilmon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (3M 300B). Collect 8 Guilmon Claw from Guilmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1M). Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1M). Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Impmon (1M). Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Impmon (3M 200B). Collect Bearmon's Baseball Cap from Bearmon. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Kurata (1M). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (3M). Collect 8 Guilmons DATA from Guilmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (2M). Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (3M 800B). Kill 10 Bearmon & 5 Bearmon Leader. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (1M). Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (3M 500B). Collect Ikutos Letter from Garurumon. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (3M 500B). Kill 8 Garurumon & 5 Garurumon Leader. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Impmon (3M). Kill 5 Icemon & Icemon Leader. Talk to Impmon
- Talk to Kurata (3M 500B). Kill 5 Guilmon & 8 Guilmon Leader. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Yukidarumon (4M). Kill 10 Icemon & 8 Icemon Leader. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1M). Talk to SuperStarmon at Frozen Ground
- Talk to Kurata (3M 500B). Collect 5 Gabumons & Guilmons DATA from Gabumon & Guilmon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (1M 200B). Talk to Kurata
Snowman Village
- Talk to Hashiba (6M). Bring Secretary Order to Kurata at Distorted Data Village
- Talk to SuperStarmon at Snowman Village (3M). Kill 8 IceDevimon. Talk to Superstarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (4M). Kill 10 IceDevimon & 12 IceDevimon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (5M). Kill 5 IceDevimon & IceDevimon Leader, 8 WereGarurumon & WereGarurumon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (1M 500B). Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (4M). Kill 8 WereGarurumon & SuperStarmon. Talk to Ikuto
- Talk to SuperStarmon (3M 500B). Kill 5 SuperStarmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (5M). Kill 8 WereGarurumon, WereGarurumon Leader, SuperStarmon & SuperStarmon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Ikuto (1M 500B). Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (1M). Talk to Ikuto
- Talk to Ikuto (5M). Kill 10 WereGarurumon, 5 WereGarurumon Leader, 8 SuperStarmon & 5 SuperStarmon Leader. Talk to Ikuto
- Talk to Ikuto (1M 500B). Talk to Falcomon
- Talk to Kurata (3M 500B). Collect 10 Mamon DATA from Mamon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (1M 500B). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (3M 500B). Kill 10 Mamon & 8 Mamon Leader. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to SuperStarmon (5M). Talk to Yukidarumon, Kill 10 WereGarurumon, SuperStarmon, Mamon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (4M 800B). Talk to Ikuto, Kill 8 WereGarurumon & SuperStarmon, 5 WereGarurumon Leader & SuperStarmon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (30000exp, 2M). Bring Yukidarumon's letter to Ikuto at Unlimite Ice
- Talk to Ikuto (1M 500B). Talk to Ikuto
- Talk to Ikuto (1M 500B). Talk to Yukidarumon at Snowman Village
- Talk to Yukidarumon (5M). Kill 10 HerculesKabuterimon. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon (98400exp, 5M). Collect 10 HerculesKabuterimons Horn. Talk to Yukidarumon
- Talk to Yukidarumon at Snowman Village (1M). Use Falcomon Cure to Falcomon at Ice. Talk to Ikuto
Distorted Data Village
- Talk to Yushima at Wraped Data Village (1M 500B). Walk to NPC Digitamamon. Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Kamemon (1M, Jump Booster Yokohama). Collect 2 Jump Booster from MetalGarurumon. Talk to Kamemon
- Talk to Penguin 1 (1M). Talk to Penguin 1
- Talk to Penguin 1 (1M). Talk to Penguin 1
- Talk to Penguin 1 (5M). Kill 10 MetalGarurumon & 5 MetalGarurumon Leader. Talk to Penguin 1
- Talk to Penguin 1 (1M). Talk to Penguin 2
- Talk to Penguin 2 (5M 300B). Kill 10 MetalEtemon & 8 MetalEtemon Leader. Talk to Penguin 2
- Talk to SuperStarmon (69816exp, 6M). Kill 10 AtlurKabuterimon & 8 AtlurKabuterimon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Yushima (1M). Talk to Yushima
- Talk to Yushima (3M). Talk to Penguin 1, Penguin 2, Digitamamon
- Talk to Kurata (26250exp, 5M). Kill 10 MetalGarurumon & 5 MetalGarurumon Leader. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (1M). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (2M). Use near Kurata. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (1M). Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (5M 300B). Kill 10 MetalEtemon & 8 MetalEtemon Leader. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Digitamamon (5M 300B). Kill 10 MetalEtemon & 8 MetalEtemon Leader. Talk to Digitamamon
- Talk to Digitamamon (1M). Talk to Digitamamon
- Talk to Kurata (4M 500B). Collect Unknown Metal Part from MetalEtemon. Talk to Kurata
- Talk to Kurata (8M). Bring Kuratas Report to Hashiba
- Talk to Penguin 2 (1M 500B). Talk to Penguin 1. Talk to Penguin 3
- Talk to Penguin 3 (68000exp, 5M). Collect 10 AtlurKabuterimons Horn from AtlurKabuterimon. Talk to Penguin 3
- Talk to Penguin 3 (72823exp, 6M 500B). Kill 10 Vikemon & 8 Vikemon Leader. Talk to Penguin 3
- Talk to Penguin 3 (6400exp, 2M).Talk to Penguin 3
- Talk to Penguin 3 (8000exp, 3M).Talk to Penguin 2
- Talk to Penguin 2 (69816exp, 6M). Kill 10 AtlurKabuterimon & 8 AtlurKabuterimon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1M). Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (6M 500B). Kill 10 Vikemon & 8 Vikemon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (8M). Talk to Kurata, kill 10 Hi-Andromon, 8 Hi-Andromon, 5 Vikemon & Vikemon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (2M). Talk to Kurata & Yushima. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (2M 300B). Talk to Penguin3, kill 5 Vikemon & Vikemon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Penguin 3 (M). Collect Vikemons Weapon from Vikemon. Talk to Penguin 3
- Talk to Digitamamon (69169exp, 6M 300B). Collect 10 Dark Tower Residue from MetalEtemon. Talk to Digitamamon
- Talk to Digitamamon (3M 500B). Use Water to Penguin 3. Talk to Penguin 3
- Talk to Penguin 3 (3M). Use Water in Volcanic region. Talk to Penguin 3
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1M 200B). Talk to SuperStarmon
Infinite Ice Wall
- Talk to SuperStarmon at Infinite Ice Wall (130000exp, 5M 300B). Collect Event Diary 1-5 from Gryphomon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (106000exp, 4M 800B). Collect 10 Gryphomon Tail from Gryphomon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1M). Talk to SuperStarmon-4D
- Talk to SuperStarmon (3M).
- Talk to Ikuto (5M 200B). Kill 10 Anubimon, 8 Anubimon Leader. Talk to Ikuto
- Talk to Falcomon (5M). Kill 10 H.Kabuterimon, 8 H.Kabuterimon Leader. Talk to Falcomon
Labyrinth (Maze Entrance)
I RECOMMEND: clone all stats (at ct ev bl) 7 or bring some friends, because these quests are very difficult without them -_-
- Digivice when tamer's lvl 65 (1M 7B). Talk to Satsuma
- Talk to Satsuma (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon at DT
- Talk to Starmon (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon at Labyrinth
- Talk to Starmon at Labyrinth (453195exp, 11M 620B). Kill 15 Golemon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (12M 229B). Collect 5 Golemon Rubble from Golemon Leader. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1M 7B, 3 Jump booster Western, Starmon's Letter, Golemon Rubber). Talk to Starmon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1M 7B). Bring Starmon's Letter to Tsuchidarumon at WT
- Talk to Starmon (1M 7B). Bring Golemon Rubble to Young Tsuchidarumon at WT
- Talk to Young Tsuchidarumon (1M 7B, 2 Jump Booster Western). Talk to Tsuchidarumon. Talk to Young Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Young Tsuchidarumon (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon aat Labyrinth
- Talk to Starmon (5M 36B). Go to area: south east, north east, south west, center, . Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Young Tsuchidarumon (24M 458B). Collect 10 Golemon Rubble from Golemon Leader. Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (10M 71B). Kill 10 Cerberumon. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Digivice when at Digimon Labyrinth Entrance to B2 [south east] (5M 36B). Talk to the statue. Talk to Starmon
- Digivice when at Destroyed Holy Land [south west] (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (3M 21B). Talk to Leomon A, B, C. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon (5M 36B, Tsuchidarumon's Invention). Use Tsuchidarumon's Invention to Golemon Leader. Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (10M 71B). Kill 10 Golemon Leader. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (8M 57B). Kill 10 Cerberumon Leader. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Starmon (1M 7B, Flare). Use Flare at Strange Altar [center]. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Starmon (25M 178B). Kill 15 Volcamon, collect 5 Volcamon Helmet from Volcamon Leader. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (20M 148B). Kill 20 CannonBeemon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (13M 92B, Miracle Ruby VII). Collect 8 Sting from CannonBeemon Leader. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 7B). Search Young Tsuchidarumon at left side of Golemon's area. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 7B, First Aid Kit ). Use First Aid Kit to Young Tsuchidarumon
- Digivice when done using First Aid Kit (1M 7B).
- Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon (20M 142B). Collect 10 Fire Energy from Volcamon Leader. Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon
- Talk to Starmon (18M 128B). Kill 10 PileVolcamon, 5 PileVolcamon Leader. Talk to Digivice
- Talk to SuperStarmon (13M 92B). Collect 8 Evil Ring from all Wild Digimon at Labyrinth. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Starmon (1M 7B). Bring Evil Ring to Leomon
- Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1M 7B, Jump Booster Yokohama & Western, DATS Support Request). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (5M 36B). Bring DATS Support Request to Satsuma
- Talk to SuperStarmon (15M 107B). Collect 10 Suspicious Object from all Wild Digimon at Labyrinth. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Digivice when done Quest SuperStarmon (1M 7B, Suspicious Object). Talk to SuperStarmon
- Digivice when done Quest SuperStarmon (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Leomon (1M 7B). Talk to Elite Scout
- Talk to Elite Scout (10M 71B). Use Orders A to Scout A, Orders B to Scout B, Orders C to Scout C. Talk to Elite Scout
- Talk to Scout A (20M 142B). Kill 10 Golemon & Cerberumon. Talk to Scout A
- Talk to Scout B (1M 7B). Collect 5 Poison from all Wild Digimon at Labyrinth.Talk to Scout B
- Talk to Scout C (5M 36B). Use 5 Powerful Bomb to PileVolcamon. Talk to Scout C
- Talk to Elite Scout (1M 7B). Talk to Scout A. Talk to Scout A
- Talk to Scout A (5M 36B, Message for Leomon). Talk to Elite Scout
- Talk to Device at North East (30M). Collect Might Power Source from Might Boltmon
- Talk to Device at East (30M). Collect Poison Power Source from Poison Boltmon
- Talk to Device at South (30M). Collect Fire Power Source from Fire Boltmon
- Talk to Device at South West (30M). Collect Darkness Power Source from Darkness Boltmon
- Talk to Device at North West (30M). Collect Rock Power Source from Rock Boltmon
- Talk to Elite Scout (30M). Talk to Elite Scout
- Talk to Anubimon (1M 7B). Talk to Anubimon
- Talk to Anubimon (20M 142B, Stone of Summoning). Collect 10 Danger Detector from all Wild Digimon at Labyrinth. Talk to Anubimon
- Talk to Anubimon (50M 355B, 3 Labyrinth Entrance Keys). Use Stone of Summoning front of SaberLeomon. Kill Hell Cerberumon. Talk to Anubimon
- Digivice when done Q kill Cerberumon (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (5M 36B). Talk to Elite Scout
- Talk to Elite Scout (50M 355B). Talk to Leomon. Talk to SaberLeomon
Maze B2
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (15M 107B). Kill 15 Gokimon, 5 Gokimon Leader. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (15M 107B). Collect 5 Stink Bomb from Gokimon and use them to Gokimon Leader. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (5M 36B, 5 Evil Ring Destroyer). Use 5 Evil Ring Destroyer to Giromon. Talk to Digivice
- Talk to Leomon (28M 355B). Collect 5 Scouting Reference Piece from Gladimon. Talk to Leomon
- Talk to Leomon (17M 121B). Kill 30 Gladimon. Talk to Digivice
- Talk to Leomon (11M 750B). Kill 10 Gladimon Leader. Talk to Leomon
- Talk to Leomon (1M 7B). Talk to Leomon at Meramon's area
- Talk to Digivice (10M 71B). Kill 10 Giromon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (17M 121B). Kill 10 Meramon, 8 Meramon Leader.Talk to Digivice
- Talk to Leomon (18M 128M). Collect Lost Reference from Meramon. Talk to Digivice
- Talk to Digivice (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (22M 828B). Collect 5 Water Crystal from Meramon. Talk to Digivice
- Talk to Digivice (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (4 DATA Device , 11M 414B). Use them to 4 Dead Leomon.
- Talk to Starmon (0B). Talk to 3 Dead Leomon. Talk to Digivice
- Talk to Leomon (5M 767B, 2 First Aid). Use them to Injured Leomon. Talk to Digivice
- Talk to Starmon (28M 535, Random Plate Egg lv7). Kill all Giromon until 1 Boltmon summoned. Kill 1 Boltmon until another Boltmon summoned. Kill 1 Boltmon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Shop Leomon (22M 828B). Kill 20 WaruMonzaemon, Collect 5 WaruMonzaemon's Cape from WaruMonzaemon Leader. Talk to Shop Leomon
- Talk to Leomon (14M 267B). Collect 8 Report Piece from WaruMonzaemon/Giromon. Talk to Leomon
- Talk to Device at North West (28M 535, Random Plate Egg lv7). Use Bloody Power Source to Device at North West. Talk to Device
- Talk to Device at North West (28M 535, Random Plate Egg lv7). Use Fanatics Power Source to Device at South West. Talk to Device
- Talk to Anubimon (1M 7B). Talk to Anubimon. Talk to Anubimon
Maze B1
- Talk to Starmon at B1 (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Leomon (1M 7B). Talk to Injured Leomon
- Talk to Leomon (1M 7B). Kill Boltmon at the area after Andromon's area. Talk to Leomon
- Talk to Leomon (8M 360, Power Source). Use it to Device. Kill all element Boltmon until Zealot Boltmon summoned. collect Power Source use it to Device. Talk to Leomon
- Talk to Leomon (12M 540B). Talk to Leomon at Digimon Maze Entrance
Maze F1 R1
- Talk to Head Leomon (689477exp 3M 632B). Go to Goburimon's area, left side from spawn (Gotsumon), and right side from spawn (Wormmon). Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (676982exp 807B). Talk to Scout Leomon and use Search Order. Talk to Scout Leomon
- Talk to Scout Leomon (676982exp 807B). Use 3 Mini Devices to Wormmon, kill 10 Wormmon, collect 30 Mini Tower Fragment Alpha from Wormmon. Talk to Scout Leomon
- Talk to Scout Leomon (854504exp 10M 491B). Kill 10 Wormmon, collect 30 Mysterious Photo Fragment from Wormmon. Talk to Scout Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (684122exp 2M 421B). Talk to Wounded Leomon and use Old Search Order. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (854504exp 10M 491B). Kill 10 Goburimon Leader and Gotsumon Leader, collect 20 Goburimon's Club and Gotsumon's Stone Fragment. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Starmon (989186exp 10M 491B). Kill 10 Goburimon Leader and Gotsumon Leader, collect 20 Mini Tower Fragment Beta and Gamma. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (947417exp 1M 49B). Collect 1 Hexagon Crystal from Goburimon. Talk to Starmon
Maze F1 R2
- Talk to SuperStarmon (854504exp 10M 491B). Kill 10 Bakemon, collect 20 Hell Tooth from Bakemon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (854504exp 10M 491B). Kill 10 Bearmon, collect 20 Bearmon Fur from Bearmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (854504exp 10M 491B). Kill 10 Candmon, collect 20 Ancient Page from Candmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Starmon (588605exp 24M 210B). Kill 10 101Mega Hacker Keramon at F1 R2 near Candmon, collect 1 Anubis Bronze Bracelet from Keramon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (588605exp 24M 210B). Kill 10 102Mega Hacker Keramon at F1 R1 near Goburimon, collect 1 Anubis Bronze Armband from Keramon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (588605exp 24M 210B). Kill 10 103Mega Hacker Keramon at F1 R1 near Gotsumon, collect 1 Anubis Bronze Necklace from Keramon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (588605exp 24M 210B). Kill 10 104Mega Hacker Keramon at F1 R2 near Bakemon, collect 1 Anubis Bronze Shoes from Keramon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (623328exp 1M 614B). Go to Anubimon's Traces area (top central map) and use Bronze Anubimon Statue, kill Guardromon Prototype. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Anubimon (1418223exp 16M 140B). Kill 10 Candmon and Bearmon Leader. Talk to Anubimon
Maze F2 R1
- Talk to Head Leomon (239556exp 1M 227B). Go to A Brand New Day area (Chrysallimon Destroyer) and Path of Tranquillity (to F2 R2, there's a path at right side from Ogremon). Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (237713exp 818B). Talk and use 2F Search Order to 2F Scout Leomon (north from Head Leomon). Talk to 2F Scout Leomon
- Talk to 2F Scout Leomon (923483exp 31M 902B). Use 3 Mini Device to Ogremon, kill 10 Ogremon, collct 20 Ogremon's Bone Club from Ogremon. Talk to 2F Scout Leomon
- Talk to 2F Scout Leomon (923483exp 31M 902B). Use 3 Mini Device to Icemon, kill 10 Icemon, collct 20 Icemon's Ice Fragment from Icemon. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (393731exp 818B). Talk and use 2F Report to Starmon. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (923843exp 31M 902B). Collect 20 Mini Tower Fragment Delta from Ogremon, Epsilon from Icemon, Zeta from Chrysallimon Destroyer. Talk to Head Leomon
- Talk to Head Leomon (940898exp 1M 63B). Kill 10 Chrysallimon Destroyer, collect 1 Garnet Crystal from Chrysallimon Destroyer. Talk to Head Leomon
Maze F2 R2
- Talk to Etemon (237713exp 818B). Go to Self Titled Etemon the Most Powerful area (Stingmon) and Path of Stillness (to F2 R3, there's a path at right side from Vegiemon). Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (237713exp 818B). Use 3 Search Device to Stingmon, kill 10 Stingmon. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (923843exp 31M 902B). Kill 10 Stingmon Leader, collect 20 Stingmon Antennae from Stingmon. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (923843exp 31M 902B). Kill 10 Vegiemon, collect 20 Vegiemon Insectivorous Fruit from Vegiemon. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (923843exp 31M 902B). Kill 10 Chrysallimon Misconnecter, collect 20 Chrysallimon Data from Chrysallimon Misconnecter. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (237713exp 818B). Talk to Starmon and use Etemon's Document. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (923843exp 31M 902B). Collect 20 Mini Tower Fragment Eta from Vegiemon, Theta from Stingmon, Iota from Chrysallimon Misconnecter. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (923843exp 31M 902B). Collect 25 Vegiemon's Whatchamacallit from Vegiemon, and use 5 Vegiemon's Whatchamacallit to Vegiemon. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (940898exp 1M 63B). Kill 10 Chrysallimon Misconnecter, collect 1 Amethyst Crystal from Chrysallimon Misconnecter. Talk to Etemon
Maze F2 R3
- Talk to Starmon (237713exp 818B). Go to Lost in the Maze area (Grizzmon) and Path of Silence (to F2 R4, there's a path at right side from Grizzmon). Talk to Starmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (237713exp 818B). Use 3 Search Device to Soulmon, kill 10 Soulmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (426905exp 8M 180B). Kill 10 Soulmon and Grizzmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (923843exp 31M 902B). Kill 10 Soulmon Leader, collect 20 Cursed Black Hat from Soulmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (923843exp 31M 902B). Kill 10 Grizzmon Leader, collect 20 Grizzmon Claw from Grizzmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (237713exp 818B). Talk to Starmon and use SuperStarmon Document. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (923843exp 31M 902B). Collect 20 Mini Tower Fragment Kappa from Grizzmon, Lambda from Soulmon, Mu from Chrysallimon Tentacle. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (940898exp 1M 63B). Kill 10 Chrysallimon Tentacle, collect 1 Aquamarine Crystal from Chrysallimon Tentacle. Talk to SuperStarmon
Maze F2 R4
- Talk to Starmon (923843exp 31M 902B). Kill 10 Seadramon, collect 20 Ancient Artifact Map from Seadramon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (940898exp 1M 63B). Kill 10 Chrysallimon Fighter (F2 R4), collect 1 Anubis Silver Bracelet from Chrysallimon Fighter. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1642978exp 1M 63B). Kill 10 Chrysallimon Tentacle (F2 R3), collect 1 Anubis Silver Armband from Chrysallimon Tentacle. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1642978exp 1M 63B). Kill 10 Chrysallimon Misconnecter (F2 R2), collect 1 Anubis Silver Necklace from Chrysallimon Misconnecter. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1642978exp 1M 63B). Kill 10 Chrysallimon Destroyer (F2 R1), collect 1 Anubis Silver Shoes from Chrysallimon Destroyer. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1719882exp 818B). Go to Memories of Anubimon area (right side from Starmon) and use Silver Anubimon Statue, kill Guardromon MK II. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Anubimon (500625exp 24M 540B). Kill 10 Seadramon, Seadramon Leader, Chrysallimon Fighter. Talk to Anubimon
- Talk to Anubimon (159704exp 818B). Talk to Starmon. Talk to Anubimon
Maze F3 R1
- Talk to 3F Scout Leomon (277183exp 1M 245B). Go to central area map, talk to 3F Scout Leomon, and use 3F Search Order. Talk to 3F Scout Leomon
- Talk to 3F Scout Leomon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Use 3 Search Device to Pumpmon, kill 10 Pumpmon, collect 30 Pumpkinmon's Pumpkin from Pumpmon. Talk to 3F Scout Leomon
- Talk to 3F Scout Leomon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Use 3 Mini Device to Insekimon, kill 10 Insekimon, collect 30 Insekimon's Ore from Insekimon and Pumpkinmon's Axe from Pumpmon. Talk to 3F Scout Leomon
- Talk to 3F Scout Leomon (275282exp 830B). Talk to Starmon and use 3F Report. Talk to 3F Scout Leomon
- Talk to 3F Scout Leomon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Collect 20 Mini Tower Fragment Nu from Pumpmon, Xi from Insekimon, Omicron from Infermon Hell. Talk to 3F Scout Leomon
- Talk to 3F Scout Leomon (824324exp 2M 158B). Kill 10 Infermon Hell, collect 2 Diamond Crystal from Infermon Hell. Talk to 3F Scout Leomon
Maze F3 R2
- Talk to Etemon (277183exp 1M 245B). Go to Ruined Mini Tower area (Etemon NPC), use 3 Search Device to Jewelbeemon, kill 10 Jewelbeemon. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Kill 10 Jewelbeemon Leader, collect 30 Jewelbeemon Silk Wing. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Kill 10 Andromon Leader, collect 45 Andromon's Digital Brain, use 3 Search Device to Andromon Leader. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Kill 10 Infermon Destroyer, collect 30 Infermon Data. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (1275282exp 830B). Talk to Starmon and use Etemon's Document. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Collect 30 Mini Tower Pi from Jewelbeemon, Rho from Andromon, Sigma from Infermon Destroyer. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Collect 30 Jewelbeemon's Spear from Jewelbeemon and use 5 to Andromon Leader. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (824324exp 2M 158B). Kill 10 Infermon Destroyer, collect 2 Emerald Crystal from Infermon Destroyer. Talk to Etemon
Maze F3 R3
- Talk to SuperStarmon (275282exp 830B). Go to Digimon Maze of Death (SuperStarmon NPC's area) and talk to Starmon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (275282exp 830B). Use 3 Search Device to Phantomon, kill 10 Phantomon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (852459exp 8M 300B). Kill 10 Megadramon and Megadramon Leader. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Kill 10 Phantomon Leader, collect 30 Phantomon's Necklace. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Kill 10 Megadramon Leader and Phantomon Leader, collect 30 Megadramon's Machine Clawn and Phantomon's Scythe. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (275282exp 830B). Talk to Starmon and use SuperStarmon's Document. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Collect 30 Mini Tower Fragment Tau from Phantomon, Upsilon from Megadramon, Phi from Infermon Cocoon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to SuperStarmon (822043exp 1M 660B). Kill 10 Infermon Cocoon, collect 2 Pearl Crystal. Talk to SuperStarmon
Maze F3 R4
- Talk to Starmon (1036856exp 48M 555B). Kill 10 MegaSeadramon, collect 30 Final Artifact Map. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1367283exp 2M 158B). Kill 10 Infermon Inferno (F3 R4), collect 2 Anubis Gold Bracelet. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1367283exp 2M 158B). Kill 10 Infermon Cocoon (F3 R3), collect 2 Anubis Gold Armband. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1367283exp 2M 158B). Kill 10 Infermon Destroyer (F3 R2), collect 2 Anubis Gold Necklace. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1367283exp 2M 158B). Kill 10 Infermon Hell (F3 R1), collect 2 Anubis Gold Shoes. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Starmon (1579815exp 48M 555B). Go to Anubimon's Final Memories (F4 R3 top right area), use Gold Anubimon Statue, kill 1 Guardromon Ultimate. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Anubimon (1362340exp 1M 79B). Kill 10 MegaSeadramon Leader, collect 30 Megaseadramon's Horn. Talk to Anubimon
- Talk to Anubimon (1361200exp 830B). Talk to Starmon. Talk to Anubimon
Maze F4
- Talk to 4F Scout Leomon at the right side (445736exp 841B). Talk to Chief Leomon. Talk to 4F Scout Leomon
- Talk to Etemon at the left side (445736exp 841B). Talk to Chief Leomon. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to SuperStarmon at the right side (445736exp 841B). Talk to Chief Leomon. Talk to SuperStarmon
- Talk to Starmon at the left side (445736exp 841B). Talk to Chief Leomon. Talk to Starmon
- Talk to Digimon Kaiser at the top (2213010exp 841B). Use Kaiser's First Trial at Digimon Maze of Trial area (north from Digimon Kaiser NPC), kill Mechanorimon ProtoType. Talk to Digimon Kaiser
- Talk to Digimon Kaiser (2213010exp 841B). Use Kaiser's Second Trial at Digimon Maze of Trial area, kill Mechanorimon SecondType. Talk to Digimon Kaiser
- Talk to Digimon Kaiser (2213010exp 841B). Use Kaiser's Final Trial at Digimon Maze of Trial area, kill Mechanorimon FinalType. Talk to Digimon Kaiser
- Talk to Mercurymon (1476646exp 841B). Talk to Master SaberLeomon. Talk to Mercurymon
- Talk to Master SaberLeomon (1476646exp 841B). Talk to Mercurymon. Talk to Master SaberLeomon
- Talk to Anubimon (1476646exp 841B). Talk to Satsuma Rentarou at DATS
Server Continent Desert
- Talk to Yamato. Talk to Drimogemon. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Yamato. Kill 10 Drimogemon. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Yamato. Talk to Drimogemon. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Drimogemon (1292083exp 1M 607B). Collect 7 Necklace from Drimogemon Leader/Captain. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Takeru (849829exp 926B). Talk to Palmon
- Talk to Palmon (150087exp 1M 6B 5 Desert Sand Grain). Collect 5 Water from Neptunemon. Talk to Mimi
- Talk to Mimi (1008611exp 896B). Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (1600100exp 1M 352B). Collect 1 Spyglass from Fanbeemon Leader. Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (800050exp). Use Spyglass near NPC Taichi. Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (100050exp 800B 10 Desert Sand Grain). Talk to Agumon. Talk to Agumon
- Talk to Agumon (829537exp 2M). Go to Village area (look at map by press 'M') and talk to Gazimon. Talk to Gazimon
- Talk to Gazimon (1098500exp 1M 300B 10 Desert Sand Grain). Collect 10 Boar Meat from Boarmon. Talk to Gazimon
- Talk to Gazimon (983245exp 1M). Talk to Agumon, Tentomon, Gomamon. Talk to Patamon
- Talk to Gazimon (109822exp 1M 825B). Talk to Gazimon
- Talk to Gazimon (998022exp 2M). Go to Etemon's Hideout (Shelter of Etemon, look at map by press 'M'), talk to Etemon. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (1750080exp 1M 750B). Talk to Takeru
- Talk to Takeru (195000exp 915B). Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (1051000exp 1M 15B). Talk to Agumon (look at map by press 'M')
- Talk to Taichi (1825000exp 2M 500B 10 Desert Sand Grain). Kill 10 Gazimon, 5 Gazimon Leader. Talk to Patamon
- Talk to Patamon (994500exp 1M 855B). Collect 3 Key from Gazimon Boss. Talk to Patamon
- Talk to Patamon (765510exp 1M 150B). Use key to Koromon x2 and Patamon. Talk to Koromon
- Talk to Koromon (2510590exp 2M 510B). Talk to Gazimon
- Talk to Gazimon (935150exp 935B). Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Etemon (3551050exp 3M 150B 2 Desert Sand Grain). Kill 1 (Mini, peoples are calling like that) Etemon. Talk to Etemon
- Talk to Koromon (3551050exp 3M 150B). Talk to Koromon
- Talk to Koromon (809950exp 1M 1 Emblem of Courage). Talk to Koromon
- Talk to Koromon (2850000exp 3M 1 Shiny Desert Coin). Use Emblem to Taichi at Village area. Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (2850000exp 3M). Talk to Gomamon (look at map by press 'M')
- Talk to Gomamon (880052exp 1M 200B). Talk to Mimi (look at map by press 'M')
- Talk to Taichi (1922458exp 1M 200B 10 Desert Sand Grain). Collect 20 Fruits from Fanbeemon. Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (1245868exp 1M 300B). Use 20 Fruits to Agumon. Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (1968466exp 1M 800B 10 Desert Sand Grain). Kill 7 Golemon and 5 Golemon Leader. Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Takeru (890172exp 800B). Talk to Takeru
- Talk to Takeru (890172exp 800B). Use Spyglass near Takeru. Talk to Takeru
- Talk to Taichi (1868054exp 1M). Go to Colosseum (south east map). Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (2886467exp 2M 10 Desert Sand Grain). Kill 7 Greymon and 9 Greymon Leader. Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Garurumon (2454668exp 1M 850B). Kill 7 Gazimon. Talk to Garurumon
- Talk to Taichi (8796312exp 4M 2 Shiny Desert Coin). Kill 1 SkullGreymon (Raid). Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (1825544exp 1M 200B). Talk to Koromon
- Talk to Koromon (1424556exp 1M 200B). Talk to Gennai
- Talk to Togemon (1424556exp 1M 200B). Go to Giant Cactus area. Talk to Mimi
- Talk to Gennai (16266655exp 1M 200B). Talk to Gennai
- Talk to Mimi (2344668exp 2M 10 Desert Sand Grain). Collect 10 Aquilamon's Feather. Talk to Mimi
- Talk to Mimi (2344668exp 2M 10 Desert Sand Grain). Collect 9 Bucket of Water from Flymon. Talk to Mimi
- Talk to Taichi (1988668exp 1M 200B). Talk to Agumon
- Talk to Agumon (1988788exp 1M 200B). Talk to Gennai
- Talk to Gennai (3011252exp 2M 20 Desert Sand Grain). Kill 5 Devidramon and 7 Devidramon Leader. Talk to Gennai
- Talk to Takeru (3204866exp 3M 1 Shiny Desert Coin). Kill 1 Kuwagamon (Raid). Talk to Takeru
- Talk to Gennai (4120077exp 5M 2 Shiny Desert Coin). Kill 1 Etemon (Raid). Talk to Gennai
- Talk to Taichi (1000000exp 1 Shiny Desert Coin). Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (1523102exp 5M). Talk to Taichi at Server Continent Canyon
Server Continent Canyon
- Talk to Koshiro (1652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 12 Laptop Recharging Materials from Psychemon. Talk to Koshiro
- Talk to Koshiro (1652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 10 Wireless Transceiver from Psychemon. Talk to Koshiro
- Talk to Koshiro (1523102exp 5M). Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (1523102exp 5M). Talk to Koshiro
- Talk to Koshiro (1523102exp 5M). Talk to Koshiro (look at map by press 'M')
- Talk to Yamato (1523102exp 5M). Kill 10 Monochromon. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Jo (1652102exp 5M 500B). Kill 5 Monochromon. Talk to Jo
- Talk to Takeru (652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 1 Emblem of Hope from PicoDevimon. Talk to Takeru
- Talk to Patamon (652102exp 5M 500B). Kill 7 PicoDevimon Leader. Talk to Patamon
- Talk to Taichi (1652102exp 5M 500B). Kill 8 Vegiemon. Talk to Gazimon
- Talk to Koshiro (1652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 10 Level Pieces from Vegiemon. Talk to Koshiro
- Talk to Gazimon (1652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 9 Etemon's Bananas from TonosamaGekomon. Talk to Gazimon
- Talk to Taichi (1523102exp 5M). Talk Koshiro. Talk to Koshiro (look at map by press 'M')
- Talk to Piccollomon (1652102exp 5M 500B). Kill 15 Gokimon. Talk to Piccollomon
- Talk to Tentomon (1652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 1 Emblem of Knowledge from Gokimon. Talk to Tentomon
- Talk to Yamato (1652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 1 Emblem of Friendship from Strikedramon. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Taichi (1652102exp 5M 500B). Kill 20 Strikedramon. Talk to Piccollomon
- Talk to Piccollomon (1523102exp 5M). Talk to Koshiro. Talk to Koshiro at the entrance of Canyon (look at map by press 'M')
- Talk to Piccollomon (1523102exp 5M). Talk to Piccollomon
- Talk to Piccollomon (1833102exp 7M 10 Data of Andromon). Collect 10 Data of Andromon from HiAndromon Observers. Talk to Piccollomon
- Talk to Piccollomon (1833102exp 7M 10 Data of Slayerdramon). Collect 10 Data of Slayerdramon from Slayerdramon Commanders. Talk to Piccollomon
- Talk to Piccollomon (1833102exp 7M 10 Data of Murmukusmon). Collect 10 Data of Murmukusmon from Murmukusmon Guards. Talk to Piccollomon
- Talk to Koshiro (1652102exp 5M 500B). Kill 14 Gazimon. Talk to Koshiro
- Talk to Koshiro (1652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 10 The Pieces of the Digital World Map from Gazimon. Talk to Koshiro
- Talk to Koshiro (1523102exp 5M ). Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Taichi (1652102exp 5M 500B). Kill 15 Jureimon. Talk to Taichi
- Talk to Sora (1652102exp 5M 500B). Collect 12 Dry Branches from Jureimon. Talk to Sora
- Talk to Palmon (1652102exp 5M 500B). Kill 7 Jureimon Leader. Talk to Palmon
- Talk to Koshiro (1652102exp 5M 500B). Talk to Koshiro at Server Continent Pyramid
- Talk to Piccollomon (1523102exp 5M 1 Data Essence). Talk to Piccollomon
- Talk to Piccollomon (1833102exp 7M 1 Light of the Canyon). Talk to Piccollomon. Move. Use Data Essence. Kill Diaboromon. Talk to Piccollomon
Server Continent Pyramid
- Talk to Koshiro (1752102exp 6M). Kill 15 Gazimon. Talk to Gazimon
- Talk to Gazimon (1752120exp 6M). Collect 10 Red Cable from Ogremon. Talk to Gazimon
- Talk to Taichi (1652120exp 5M). Talk to Jo, Mimi, Sora, Takeru and Yamato. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Jo (1652120exp 5M). Collect 1 Emblem of Reliability from Ogremon. Talk to Jo
- Talk to Yamato (1720150exp 6M). Kill 14 Rapidmon. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Takeru (1720150exp 6M). Collect 10 Token of the Leader of Rapidmon from Rapidmon Leader. Talk to Yamato
- Talk to Koshiro (1752120exp 6M). Collect 10 Electricity Insulator from Cyberdramon. Talk to Koshiro
Digivice after done the quest from WPawnChessmon (562exp, 100B) (?) (1125exp, 250B). Talk to Impmon at Western Area East
Digivice after done the quest from WPawnChessmon (1125exp, 250B) (?) (1858exp, 276B). Talk to BPawnChessmon at Wilderness Area
Digivice when walking to NPC Yushima from Piyomon's area (?) (5625exp, 500B, Town Tele DATS). Talk to Kurata at Wilderness Area
Digivice after done talking to Kurata at Wilderness Area (2250exp, 500B).
Digivice after done using Volunimous Feather (?) (4248exp, 513B).
Digivice after done using Volunimous Feather (?) (4923exp, 1M 200B). Use Wilderness Area Lake Water to Injured Leomon A. Talk to Injured Leomon A
Digivice when Tamer's lvl 41 (10000exp, 1M). Talk to Yukidarumon at Snowman Village
Digivice at Wind Valley (13380exp, 2M, D-Terminal Ticket). Kill 10 IceDevimon. Talk to Satsuma
Digivice when Digimon Ultimate form got f2 (?) (2000exp, 500B). Talk to Miki at D-Terminal
Digivice after done the quest from Kurata (5M 300B). Kill 10 MetalEtemon & 8 MetalEtemon Leader. Talk to Kurata
Starters BM
BanchouLeomon > Anubimon, SaberLeomon, SaberLeomon Leader
BanchouLeomon > Skullgreymon & SkullGreymon Leader
BanchouLeomon > GizmonAT & GizmonAT Leader
Satsuma > BanchouLeomon
BanchouLeomon > Skullmeramon Boss DT (if banchou isn't giving any quest, try to change channel)
BanchouLeomon > 2 Okuwamon Boss
BanchouLeomon > 2 Mamon Boss
BanchouLeomon > 3 MetalEtemon Boss
BanchouLeomon > 3 Vikemon Boss
BanchouLeomon > 2 Gryphomon Boss, 2 SkullGreymon Boss
BanchouLeomon > 2 GizmonAT Destroyer
BanchouLeomon > 2 GizmonXT
• Alphamon Ouryuuken (requirements: tamer level 70, you can take the quest at tamer level 55 though but you can't take the last quest | Dorumon Line Raptordramon & Ryuudamon level 41 with Alphamon & Ouryuumon unlocked)
- Ryuudamon
- Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Talk to Culumon at Snowman Village near Seadramon area. Defeat Seadramon
- Talk to Culumon. Use the quest item at The Place Where the Aqua Orb Is at Rest (press M to open the map)
- Talk to Culumon. Collect 200 Spoiled X Antibodies from DexDoruGreymons at Oil Refinery 3
- Talk to Omegamon
- Dorumon
- Talk to Dukemon at Infinite Ice Wall near gizmon area. Defeat SkullGreymon
- Talk to Dukemon. Talk to Leomon <X-Antibodies Predator> at Infinite Ice Wall Anubimon area
- Talk to Leomon. Defeat 10 Anubimon. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Talk to Culumon. From now on, depends on your luck. Buy 10-50 Transmission Terminal Gate A. Use Transmission Terminal Gate A at Western Area Outskirt 11 o'clock Gloomy Outer Area. Collect Death X Antibody A,B,C,D 1 each (Death X Antibody is 100% drop rate, Transmission Terminal Gate is NOT 100%) from summoned DexDorugoramon
Transmission Terminal Gate A is for summoning DexDorugoramon A, DexDorugoramon will drop 1 Death X Antibody A and it might drop 1 Transmission Terminal Gate B
Transmission Terminal Gate B is for summoning DexDorugoramon B, DexDorugoramon will drop 1 Death X Antibody B and it might drop 1 Transmission Terminal Gate C
Transmission Terminal Gate C is for summoning DexDorugoramon C, DexDorugoramon will drop 1 Death X Antibody C and it might drop 1 Transmission Terminal Gate D
Transmission Terminal Gate D is for summoning DexDorugoramon D, DexDorugoramon will drop 1 Death X Antibody D
A>B>C>D - After you collect Death X Antibody A,B,C,D. Talk to Culumon. Talk to Omegamon
A is the weakest DexDorugoramon, and D is the strongest DexDorugoramon
If you don't have any upgraded equipment ( ), you must get 1-2 or more people with upgraded equipment to help
DexDorugoramon is effected by the drop cap (drop cap = the first attacker must be on the same level or in the level range as the monster), but now there's no drop cap in the game
Death X Antibody only drop if the first attacker is the person who took the quest
• Examon (requirements: tamer level 60 | Dracomon Blue & Green level 41 with Slayerdramon & Breakdramon unlocked)
- Dracomon Blue
- Two way of dracomon (Blue): talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Way of justice with blue color: talk to Culumon at DATS. Collect 1 Blue Diamante from Guilmon at Snowstorm Village. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Ordeal of the four dragons: talk to Culumon at DATS. Go to Hideout at Western Area East 4 o'clock (press M to open the map), Unknown Ruin at Western Area West 7 o'clock, Digimon Grave at Snowstorm Village 5 o'clock, Freezing Point at Frozen Ground 4 o'clock, Frozen Waterfall at Infinite Ice Wall 12 o'clock. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Separate way - Slayerdramon: talk to Culumon at DATS. Use Green Margarite - Breakdramon at anywhere except town area. Kill 1 Breakdramon. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Sentient wings "Caledfwich": talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Culumon at DATS

- Dracomon Green
- Two way of dracomon (Green): talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Way of destroy with green color: talk to Culumon at DATS. Collect 1 Green Margarite from HellSkullGreymon at Western Area West. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Ready to destroy: Data hacking for heavy machine: talk to Culumon at DATS. You will get 4 Data Hacking Coil. Go to Oil Refinery 2, use Data Hacking Coil - Guardromon to Guardromon and Data Hacking Coil - Volcamon to Volcamon. Go to Distorted Data Village, use Data Hacking Coil - MetalGarurumon to MetalGarurumon and Data Hacking Coil - Vikemon to Vikemon. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Separate way - Breakdramon: talk to Culumon at DATS. Use Blue Diamante - Slayerdramon at anywhere except town area. Kill 1 Slayerdramon. Talk to Culumon at DATS
- Gigantic lance "Ambrosius": talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Culumon at DATS
Examon formation - The top of dragon type: talk to Culumon at DATS. Collect some Data Access Coil dropped from all monster at Oil Refinery-1 or -2 (-3, some monster do). Use the Data Access Coil at Oil Refinery-3 until the Mugendramon summoned. Kill it. Talk to Culumon at DATS
• Huanglongmon (requirements: Baihumon, Qinglongmon, Zhuqiaomon & Xuanwumon level 50 with Ultimate unlocked, you can take the quest at level 41 though but you can't evolve to Huanglongmon)
- Baihumon
- Guardian of the west: Talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Baihumon at Western Area West 8 o'clock
- Digicore of Baihumon: Talk to Baihumon. Collect 12 Baihumon's Digizoid from Okuwamon at Western Area West
- Angel who sealed Huanglongmon 2: Talk to Culumon. Defeat Cherubimon White at Dark Tower Wasteland 12 o'clock and take the drop item. Talk to Culumon
- Qinglongmon
- Guardian of the east: Talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Qinglongmon at Snowman Village 5 o'clock
- Digicore of Qinglongmon: Talk to Qinglongmon. Collect 12 Qinglongmon's Digizoid from Wendimon at Snowman Village
- Talk to Culumon. Defeat Seraphimon at Distorted Data Village HiAndromon area and take the drop item. Talk to Culumon
- Zhuqiaomon
- Guardian of the south: Talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Zhuqiaomon at Oil Refinery 3
- Digicore of Zhuqiaomon: Talk to Zhuqiaomon. Collect 12 Zhuqiaomon's Digizoid from NeoDevimon at Oil Refinery 3
- Talk to Culumon. Defeat Ophanimon at Ruined Historic 12 o'clock and take the drop item. Talk to Culumon
- Xuanwumon
- Guardian of the north: Talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Xuanwumon at Silver Lake Koromon area
- Digicore of Xuanwumon: Talk to Xuanwumon. Collect 12 Xuanwumon's Digizoid from Elecmon at Silver Lake
- Talk to Culumon. Defeat Lucemon at Lost Historical Site Gawappamon area and take the drop item. Talk to Culumon
• Millenniumon (requirements: BlackAgumon Line Mugendramon & Gazimon line Chimeramon level 70 with Mugendramon & Chimeramon unlocked)
- BlackAgumon
- The New Evolution of Evilness: talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Kurata at Snowman Village 11 o'clock
- Chimeramon's Information: talk to Kurata. Defeat 30 SkullGreymon at Infinite Ice Wall. Talk to Kurata at Snowman Village
- Origin of Evilness: talk to Kurata. Defeat Millenniummon at Infinite Mountain right side from Elecmon NPC
- Fusion Evolutin: talk to Culumon. Talk to Culumon
- Gazimon
- The Creator of Chimeramon: talk to Culumon at DATS. Talk to Digimon Kaiser at Dark Tower Wasteland
- Digimon Kaiser's Experiment: talk to Digimon Kaiser. Defeat 30 Megadramon at Ruined Historic. Talk to Digimon Kaiser at Dark Tower Wasteland
- : talk to Digimon Kaiser. Defeat Millenniummon at Infinite Mountain Mushmon's area
- Fusion Evolutin: talk to Culumon. Talk to Culumon
• Omegamon (requirements: tamer level 70 | Agumon & Gabumon level 41 with WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon unlocked | VictoryGreymon & ZeedGarurumon LOCKED | F3 R4 access)
- WarGreymon
- Omegamon Quest Agumon 1: Talk to Culumon at DATS. Defeat Keramon Leader at D-Terminal Dungeon B2. Talk to Akihiro Kurata at Yokohama Village
- Omegamon Quest Agumon 2: Talk to Culumon in Dats. Defeat Infermon (Destroyer) at Digimon Maze F3 R4
- Omegamon Quest Agumon 3: Talk to Culumon. Collect 1 Diablomon Time Bomb from Diablomon at Infinite Ice Wall
- Omegamon Quest Agumon 4: Talk to Culumon. Summon Armagemon using Armagemon's Tentacle. Talk to Culumon
- MetalGarurumon
- Omegamon Quest Gabumon 1: Talk to Culumon at DATS. Defeat Seadramon Leader at Snowman Village. Talk to Akihiro Kurata at Yokohama Village
- Omegamon Quest Gabumon 2: Talk to Culumon in Dats. Defeat Infermon (Destroyer) at Digimon Maze F3 R4
- Omegamon Quest Gabumon 3: Talk to Culumon. Collect 1 Diablomon Time Bomb from Diablomon at Infinite Ice Wall
- Omegamon Quest Gabumon 4: Talk to Culumon. Summon Armagemon using Armagemon's Tentacle. Talk to Culumon
• Shakkoumon (requirements: tamer level 50 | Armadimon & Patamon line Shakkoumon level 50 with Perfect/Ultimate, Ultimate/Mega, Burst LOCKED, you can take the quest at level 21 though but you can't evolve to Shakkoumon)
- Armadimon
- Destroy Dark Tower at Ruined Historic near MetalGreymon area (occupied historic excavation area)
- Destroy Dark Tower at Frozen Ground near Ikkakumon area (1 o'clock)
- Destroy Dark Tower at Silent Forest near Ogremon Raid area (12:30 o'clock)
- Talk to Culumon at DATS. Use Summon Card at any field and defeat the summoned monster, take the drop item
- Defeat BlackWarGreymon at Dark Tower Wasteland near DarkVmon area
- Patamon
- Talk to Culumon at DATS. Use the item. Defeat SkullGreymon at Dark Tower
- Colect 10 Archnemon's Web from Kunemon at Silver Lake
- Talk to Culumon. Use the item at any field and kill the summoned monster
- Defeat BlackWarGreymon at Dark Tower Wasteland near DarkVmon area
• Silphymon (requirements: tamer level 55 | Hawkmon & Plotmon line Silphymon level 50 with Perfect/Ultimate, Ultimate/Mega, Burst LOCKED, you can take the quest at level 21 though but you can't evolve to Silphymon)
- Plotmon
- Talk to Tailmon at Silver Lake. Collect the quest item from Elecmon at Silver Lake
- Talk to Wormmon at Silver Lake
- Talk to Vmon NPC at Silent Forest
- Talk to Hawkmon at Lost Historic Site
- Talk to Culumon at DATS. Collect the quest item from Blossomon
- Hawkmon
- Talk to Tailmon at Silver Lake. Collect the quest item from Elecmon at Silver Lake
- Collect the quest item from Archnemon at File Island Waterfront
• Susanoomon (requirements: tamer level 90 | KaiserGreymon & MagnaGarurumon level 99)
- KaiserGreymon
- Talk to Bokomon at DATS. Talk to Angewomon at Silver Lake
- Talk to Angewomon. Defeat Cherubimon at Silver Lake Kunemon and Dokunemon area. Talk to Angewomon
- Talk to Angewomon. Defeat Dynasmon at Lost Historic Site Wizardmon Captain area. Talk to Angewomon
- MagnaGarurumon
- Talk to Bokomon at DATS. Talk to Seraphimon at Distorted Data 2 o'clock
- Talk to Seraphimon. Defeat ShadowSeraphimon at Distorted Data near the lava lake AtlurKabuterimon. Talk to Seraphimon
- Talk to Seraphimon. Defeat LordKnightmon at Ruined Historic. Talk to Seraphimon
- Talk to Seraphimon. Defeat Seraphimon at Distorted Data near the lava lake HiAndromon. Talk to Seraphimon
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