Tipe Egg dan Data bisa dilihat dari motif atau dari Req.Data di keterangan Egg
Misal: Gomamon termasuk Tipe Aqua, maka Data yang harus dimiliki adalah Aqua Data
Jumlah Data yang diperlukan tiap digimon berbeda-beda, dapat dilihat melalui Req.Quantity di keterangan Egg
Req.Quantity Gomamon 5, artinya tiap inject memakan 5 Aqua Data, baik gagal maupun berhasil
Needed for inject: Egg and Data with the same type as the Egg
Egg and Data's Type can be seen from the pattern or from Req.Data on the Egg's description
Example: Gomamon is Aqua Type, so the Data will be Aqua Data
Every Digimon's required Data quantity is different, you can see it from Req.Quantity on the Egg's description
Gomamon's Req.Quantity is 5, it means each injection needed 5 Aqua Datas, either success or fail
Egg yang sudah diinject ke 1/5 tidak dapat diambil
Hanya bisa:
Diinject (tombol teratas, Low Data Input, kalau masih 1/5 sampai 4/5), atau
Hatch (tombol yang kiri bawah, minimal 3/5), atau
Hapus (tombol yang kanan bawah)
You can't take back the Egg once it's injected to 1/5
All you can to do after it's injected are:
Inject (top button, if only reached 1/5 ~ 4/5), or
Hatch (bottom-left button, must be 3/5 at least), or
Delete (bottom-right button)
Iinject naik tapi balik lagi = Egg masih ada, Data hilang = gagal inject versi 1
Inject naik dan meledak = Egg dan Data hilang = gagal inject versi 2
The inject is going up but turn back = the Egg is still there, the Data is consumed = failed inject ver.1
The inject is going up and explode = Egg and Data are both removed = failed inject ver.2
?/5 (level inject) hanya bisa dilihat saat di incubator
Saat sudah dihatch, 3/5 atau 4/5 atau 5/5 bisa dibedakan hanya dari %
?/5 (inject level) can be seen only at incubator
after hatched, 3/5 or 4/5 or 5/5 can be distinguish only by its %
![]() |
1/5 |
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2/5 |
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3/5 |
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4/5 |
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5/5 |
Range %:
3/5 80%-102%
4/5 98%-130% (Vmon di char adik suami saya 4/5 dan 130% / my husband's brother has 4/5 and it's 130%)
5/5 118%-130%
% digimon bisa dilihat dari window digimon (zaman dahulu shortcutnya D, sekarang X)
Digimon's % can be seen by digimon's window (long time ago the default shortcut is D, but now changed to X)
Tombol Change adalah untuk mengganti kelas Data (Low atau Mid) yang mau dipakai untuk inject
Tombol Reg H.Backup adalah untuk memakai barang Hatch Backup
Change Button is to change the Data's class (Low or Mid) which is used for inject
Reg H.Backup button is to use an item called Hatch Backup
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