Explanation in video: https://youtu.be/1-Fjnf7at1U
Enchantment di DMO adalah meningkatkan kemampuan digimon kamu
Terdapat 4 status yang bisa kamu tingkatkan, yaitu AT (attack), CT (critical), EV (evasion/avoid), BL (block)
- AT: untuk meningkatkan attack damage
- CT: untuk meningkatkan persentase kemungkinan untuk mengeluarkan critical attack (bukan meningkatkan serangan critical sesuai persentase)
- EV: untuk meningkatkan persentase kemungkinan menghindari serangan musuh
- BL: untuk meningkatkan persentase kemungkinan mengurangi serangan musuh (bukan mengurangi serangan musuh sesuai persentase, jika blockmu 18%, bukan berarti mengurangi serangan sebesar 18%, tapi berupa kemungkinan 18% untuk mengurangi serangan musuh)
Dan sekarang saat saya membuat tulisan ini 14 desember 2015, keempat status tersebut bisa mencapai level 15
Enchantment can increase your digimon's ability
There are 4 status that you could increase; AT (attack), CT (critical), EV (evasion/avoid), BL (block)
- AT: to increase your attack damage
- CT: to increase your percentage to do critical attack (it is not to increase your critical damage)
- EV: to increase your percentage to evading enemy's attack
- BL: to increase your percentage to do reducing enemy's attack damage (it is not to reduce attack damage by percentage, if your block is 18%, it doesn't mean that you're reducing enemy's attack damage by 18%, but it means that you could reduce enemy's attack damage by 18% chance)
Now, you could increase those 4 status to level 15
Prioritas enchantment semua digimon | Enchantment priority for all digimon:
1. AT
2. EV
3. CT
4. BL
Level 1-3 semua status memakai barang bernama Digiclone D / Reinforced Digiclone D / Mega Reinforced Digiclone D
Level 4-6 semua status memakai barang bernama Digiclone C / Reinforced Digiclone C / Mega Reinforced Digiclone C
Level 7-9 semua status memakai barang bernama Digiclone B / Reinforced Digiclone B / Mega Reinforced Digiclone B
Level 10-12 semua status memakai barang bernama Digiclone A / Reinforced Digiclone A / Mega Reinforced Digiclone A
Level 13-15 semua status memakai barang bernama Digiclone S / Reinforced Digiclone S / Mega Reinforced Digiclone S
Level 1-3 all status use an item called Digiclone D / Reinforced Digiclone D / Mega Reinforced Digiclone D
Level 4-6 all status use an item called Digiclone C / Reinforced Digiclone C / Mega Reinforced Digiclone C
Level 7-9 all status use an item called Digiclone B / Reinforced Digiclone B / Mega Reinforced Digiclone B
Level 10-12 all status use an item called Digiclone A / Reinforced Digiclone A / Mega Reinforced Digiclone A
Level 13-15 all status use an item called Digiclone S / Reinforced Digiclone S / Mega Reinforced Digiclone S
Apa bedanya Digiclone, Reinforced Digiclone, dan Mega Reinforced Digiclone?
Digiclone: bisa gagal & angka status yang didapat acak dalam rentang minimum sampai maksimum
Reinforced Digiclone: bisa gagal & angka status yang didapat pasti maksimum
Mega Reinforced Digiclone: pasti berhasil & angka status yang didapat pasti maksimum
Digiclone, Reinforced Digiclone, dan Mega Reinforced Digiclone, what's the different?
Digiclone: could be fail & random status number in minimum~maximum range
Reinforced Digiclone: could be fail & maximum status number
Mega Reinforced Digiclone: always success & maximum status number
Rentang minimum sampai maksimum dapat dilihat melalui tulisan "Success Ability: xx ~ xx", yang berada di bawah pilihan status yang ingin dienchant dan di atas tombol enchant
You can know the minimum and maximum range through "Success Ability: xx ~ xx", located below of the status and above of enchant button
Gimana cara clone?
Bicara dengan npc
Pilih "Go inside Dats Center"
How to clone: talk to him at dats, behind the digicore shop, digiarchive, incubator, scan and warehouse
Click "Go inside Dats Center"
Ini tampilan saat di dalam, klik "START"
Inside, click "START"

Pilih status yang ingin kamu naikkan dengan cara klik di tombolnya, misal mau EV, klik di kotak bertulisan EV ataupun di tanda panah samping tulisan EV
Select one status that you want to increase by click the button, example you want to increase EV, click the lettered EV or the arrow besides the lettered EV
Eh ga jadi EV, ganti AT aja~
Jangan lupa bawa barang yang dibutuhkan dan uang ya
Setelah klik AT, klik tulisan "Digiclone", otomatis barang yang kamu punya akan muncul di kotak
Apabila ingin menggunakan BU (Backup Disk), klik "Backup Disk", tapi kalau masih level 1~7 mah tidak perlu pakai, boros BU!!!! Kegunaan BU adalah agar tidak turun 1 level enchantment jika gagal (penalty)
Setelah siap jiwa dan raga, klik tombol "Enchant"
I'm gonna change the status that i wanted to increase from EV to AT
Don't forget to bring the required items and money
After clicked the AT, click the lettered Digiclone, your required item will be selected automatically
If you want to use BU (BackUp Disk), click the lettered BackUp Disk, but i suggest to not use the BU if the clone level still in 1~7 range. BU is an item to remove the fail penalty (decrease 1 enchantment level)
Kamu harus klik satu dari banyak kartu tersebut, kalau tidak klik juga tidak apa sih soalnya ada waktu 10 detik nanti otomatis milih sendiri
Ini tampilan saat sukses
You must click one card, it will be selected automatically if you didn't click after 10 seconds
This display when you succeed
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