Guide in video
I am using AS Deck from hatching the Digimon Adventure series' Digimons
(Agumon, Gabumon, Piyomon, Tentomon, Palmon, Gomamon, Patamon, Plotmon)
I'm not using Critical Damage Deck
(from hatching the 4 God Digimons: Xuanwumon, Zhuqiaomon, Baihumon, Qinglongmon)
because Susanoomon's critical hit is low, but its attack speed is high
I am using the Zhuqiaomon's Title
(It has the same effect as Xuanwumon or Baihumon's Title, Qinglongmon hasn't been released yet)
I'm not using the Title that increasing digimon's HP
Because in my case, i can build my digimons' HP without the Title
Tamer's Passive Skill (mine is Sora's)
Every tamer has a different passive, active skills and status
Bring <Pass [Easy Water Crystal]> to enter the Xuanwumon Dungeon Easy Mode
You can get the pass from daily quest (dialog only), or exchange 50 <Scar of Essence>
Good equipments = higher damage and survival chance
Clothes bought from NPC is good enough
But, don't forget to merge the clothes with its corresponding Attributes
I recommend to buy the 7 days clothes (Top, Bottom, Gloves, Shoes, Fashion)
at Sora's Mom NPC, rare costume tab, in Yokohama Village
You don't really need costume with 77% movement speed
But, it does help if you have one
You don't really need digiaura if you can maintain your tamer's DS
Earring is not essential (the latest priority in accessories type)
Because even without it, you still can beat this dungeon
But, it does help you a lot if you have one
You don't really need a necklace
Necklace is the second priority in accessories type
Must have a ring with at least HP HP status,
200% Digitary Power, and almost maximum status' number
Ring is the top priority in accessories type
Must have HP chipsets and equip them, minimum level 6
The clone enchantment must be level 10+ for faster kill speed & better survivability chance
Don't forget to bring the healing items
Minimum 1.600 HP such as <Chicken Combo>
Because of Susanoomon's Skill F2 consume 1.200 DS
I need to bring <Meat Pizza>
Minimum HP requirement for digimon:
Tanker & Main Hitter 9.000
Hitter & Support 8.000
The less the maximum HP you got, the more support role you need, or
you can use healing item with 5.000 HP recovery to replenish your hp
Because in any God Digimon's dungeon, your digimon's hp must be always at 95%
Role description:
- Tanker: the strongest damage dealer with high digimon's HP to survive from the damage of the raid's skill and normal attack
- Main Hitter: the damage dealer who is always in the front with the tanker, high digimon's HP too
- Hitter: the damage dealer who starts to attack when it is safe to attack
- Support: the healer and/or buff giver
Change the movement target into digimon (press esc button > interface)
You may depend on Hikari's (Tamer) Active Skill if your digimon's HP is low
Increase 30% of the active digimon's maximum hp for 3 minutes to self and party member(s)
The effect will still present even after you change the digimon, evolve, or devolve
and/or depend the Memory Skill Support <The Tree of Life [High]> or known as TOL
Increase 50% of the active digimon's maximum hp and ds for 4 minutes to self and party member(s)
1. the increased amount is taken from digimon base hp & ds
2. unlike KDMO, in GDMO every digimon have to be near TOL caster to receive its effect
3. dont change digimon or evolve or devolve, because it will diminish the TOL effect
Additional notes:
1) In any God Digimon's Dungeon [Easy Mode], the raid's HP and attack is decreased. But you still can't do a reckless attack and coming in with no strategy or preparation
2) We're starting to count the skill countdown after each raid monster begin its corresponding sentence of each skill
3) Each digimon that already hit the raid monster had a chance to be targeted by the circle
4) Hitter must not approach the raid monster before the tanker does, because they'll be targeted by the circle
5) Support must have a memory skill support, hand of healing medium at least
6) If the Support is only one, then the Tanker and Main Hitter must have healing item with 2.000~5.000 HP
7) Sometimes, the remaining hp of the raids on the screen of each players is different because of ping, lag, etc. In this guide, we will use the screen of the tanker as reference
8) If you've accustomed to the timing of the raid's skills, you may start to looking for the fastest way to beat the dungeon, example: ignore the Mini MegaSeadramons and join attacking Xuanwumon from 100%
9) Every raid inside XDG have a time limit before it unleashed an attack that will kill every digimon that already hit it. You only have 10 minutes to defeat it
Xuanwumon's Dungeon 1st Raid: MegaSeadramon
Type: Data
Element: Water
HP 2.000.000+
Our team's roles:
1 Tanker+Support = TetsuHeero
1 Main Hitter+Support = Ziel
2 Main Hitters = Sociometry+Harits
Recommended roles:
1 Tanker
3 Main Hitters (+Support(s))
MegaSeadramon's skill damage = base damage divided by number of digimon(s) inside the small circle
Strategy (same as the hard mode): make sure all your party digimon is standing in same spot
After entering the dungeon, it's better to stay in the spawn area
The tanker approaches MegaSeadramon and bring it toward the spawn area, but, he have to make sure to don't go too near to the spawn area because MegaSeadramon will return to its spot (out of range)
After the tanker brought MegaSeadramon closer
The others must move their digimons to the tanker's digimon position
It'll be better to use asdw than clicking the mouse
That's why i suggest to change the movement target into digimon
After the positions of the digimons are in the same point as the tanker's digimon, then they can start to hit the MegaSeadramon
80%~97%「Go back. You cannot handle my anger.」
Skill type: area of effect
Countdown: 27 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage: 960
50%~77%「You who betrayed the trust, be crushed piece by piece.」
Skill type: one small sized on-target circle
Countdown: 38 seconds after the sentence came out
1 digimon on the circle = 3.000 (base damage) | 2 digimons = 1.500 | 3 digimons = 1.000 | 4 digimons = 750
30%~47%「Let me help you with your deaths.」
Skill type: area of effect
Countdown: 27 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage: 960
1%~27%「You who betrayed the trust, be crushed piece by piece.」
Skill type: two small sized on-target circles
Countdown: 38 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage {circle(s) x base damage / digimon(s)}:
1 digimon on the circle = 3.000 (base damage) | 2 digimons = 1.500 | 3 digimons = 1.000 | 4 digimons = 750
2 digimons on 2 circles = 3.000 | 3 digimons = 2.000 | 4 digimons = 1.500
Xuanwumon's Dungeon 2nd Raid: MarineDevimon
Type: Virus
Element: Water
HP 2.300.000+
Our team's roles:
1 Tanker+Support = TetsuHeero
1 Main Hitter = Sociometry
1 Hitter+Support = Ziel 1 Hitter = Harits
Recommended roles:
1 Tanker
1 Main Hitter
2 Hitters+Support(s)
MarineDevimon's skill damage = base damage multiplied by number of digimon(s) inside the big circle Strategy (same as the hard mode):: Tanker and Main Hitter take on the MarineDevimon Hitters in standby to attack (and heal the tanker and main hitter everytime they received damage from the big circle if they're a Support role too)
The support(s) have to adjust when they will go forward to heal the tanker and main hitter with the countdown of MarineDevimon's skill, and the fix time of the next skill will be used
90%~97%「Wow... It is slowly coming out. A sharp and beautiful Does it hurt??」
Skill type: area of effect
Countdown: 25 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage: 1.020
50%~87%「Haha. It is so fun. Now die together. Hahahaha.」
Skill type: one big sized on-target circle
Countdown: 34 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage: 1 digimon on the circle = 1.500 (base damage) | 2 digimons = 3.000 | 3 digimons = 4.500 | 4 digimons = 6.000
30%~47%「Haha. It is so fun. Now die together. Hahahaha.」
Skill type: two big sized on-target circles
Countdown: 34 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage {circle(s) x base damage x digimon(s)}:
1 digimon on 1 circle = 1.500 (base damage) | 2 digimons = 3.000 | 3 digimons = 4.500 | 4 digimons = 6.000
2 digimons on 2 circles = 6.000 | 3 digimons = 9.000 | 4 digimons = 12.000
What to do: if the Main Hitter can't survive this, make some distance from the tanker, wait for the damage, and then continue attacking
1%~27%「Haha. It is so fun. Now die together. Hahahaha.」
Skill type: big sized on-target circle(s) targeting to all who already hit the MarineDevimon
Countdown: 34 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage {circle(s) x base damage x digimon(s)}:
1 digimon on 1 circle = 1.500 (base damage) | 2 digimons = 3.000 | 3 digimons = 4.500 | 4 digimons = 6.000
2 digimons on 2 circles = 6.000 | 3 digimons = 9.000 | 4 digimons = 12.000
3 digimons on 3 circles = 13.500 | 4 digimons = 18.000
4 digimons on 4 circles = 24.000
What to do: if the Hitters can deplete its HP to 0% in 34 seconds after the circle came out (depends on your party kill speed), then they may join attacking
Xuanwumon's Dungeon Mini Boss: Mini Xuanwumon
Type: Vaccine
Element: Water
HP 300.000+
11 seconds after the Mini Xuanwumon is attacked, it'll flickering for 16 times or 19 seconds, then it'll use an area of effect (30 seconds after it is attacked)
Strategy (same as the hard mode): approach and attack the Mini Xuanwumon altogether
Skill type: area of effect
Countdown: 19 seconds
Damage: 2.000
Xuanwumon's Dungeon 3rd Raid: Xuanwumon
Type: Vaccine
Element: Water
HP 2.600.000+
Our team's roles:
1 Tanker+Support = TetsuHeero
1 Main Hitter = Sociometry
1 Hitter+Support = Ziel
1 Hitter = Harits
Recommended roles: 1 Tanker
1 Main Hitter
2 Hitters+Support(s)
Xuanwumon has its own skills, MegaSeadramon's, and MarineDevimon's
Strategy (same as the hard mode): Tanker and Main Hitter take on the Xuanwumon
Hitters take on the Mini MegaSeadramons together (and heal if they're a Support too)
90%~97%「Enjoy your approaching defeat」
Skill type: area of effect
Countdown: 27 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage: 1.080
80%~87%「The floor of death will encroach on the Real World. It might be better to experience it first.」
Skill type: one big sized on-target circle
Countdown: 30 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage: 800 per second if the digimon is on that purple area
What to do: get out from the purple area and then make the standing position as one point to prepare the next skill at 70%~77%
70%~77%「Remember what trust you lost.」 (MegaSeadramon's Skill)
Skill type: one small sized on-target circle
Countdown: 38 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage {base damage divided by number of digimon(s) inside the circle}:
1 digimon on the circle = 3.000 (base damage) | 2 digimons = 1.500 | 3 digimons = 1.000 | 4 digimons = 750
50%~67%「Anticipate the cruel disappointment and anger I felt.」 (MarineDevimon's Skill)
Skill type: big sized on-target circle(s), 1~2 hitter(s) = 1 circle, 3~4 hitters = 2 circles
Countdown: 34 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage {base damage multiplied by number of digimon(s) inside the circle}:
1 digimon on 1 circle = 1.500 (base damage) | 2 digimons = 3.000 | 3 digimons = 4.500 | 4 digimons = 6.000
2 digimons on 2 circles = 6.000 | 3 digimons = 9.000 | 4 digimons = 12.000
40%~47%「Remember what trust you lost.」 (MegaSeadramon's Skill)
Skill type: one small sized on-target circle
Countdown: 38 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage {base damage divided by number of digimon(s) inside the circle}:
1 digimon on the circle = 3.000 (base damage) | 2 digimons = 1.500 | 3 digimons = 1.000 | 4 digimons = 750
What to do: make the standing position as one point, the Hitters may start join attacking
「The floor of death will encroach on the Real World. It might be better to experience it first.」
Skill type: one big sized on-target circle
Countdown: 30 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage: 800 per second if the digimon is on that purple area
What to do: get out from the purple area
1%~7%「Go, the warrior of madness.」
Skill type: Mini MarineDevimon will spawn in 4 seconds after the sentence came out, and in 7 seconds after it spawned, it will start flickering for 8 seconds then it'll use area of effect (15 seconds after it spawned, or 19 seconds after the sentence came out)
Countdown: 25 seconds after the sentence came out
Damage: 1.500 per 1 Mini MarineDevimon
What to do: (1) kill the Mini MarineDevimons, or (2) keep attacking and ignore them
XDG Hard Mode Preparation
MegaSeadramon Hard Mode
MarineDevimon Hard Mode
Xuanwumon Hard Mode
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