Semoga dengan diberitahukan apa yang menyebabkan harga seperti ini, kamu kamu ga bawel komplain overprice tetek bengek lagi, dan mulai belajar berpikir dan beradaptasi, bukan jadi manusia yang hanya bisa komplain
1. Bits sangat mudah untuk didapatkan jika Equipment sudah di atas rata-rata, dan pemain dengan Equipment tersebut sudah sangat teramat banyak, artinya? Artinya, yang memiliki Bits banyak, ada banyak
2. Banyak yang memiliki prinsip tidak mau keluar uang di dunia nyata, maunya beli barang Crown yang hanya ada di cash shop pakai Bits, tidak mau keluar uang untuk isi Crown sendiri, artinya bergantung pada pemain lain si pemasok Crown
3. Permintaan beli barang Crown pakai Bits sangat tinggi, sedangkan pemasok Crown sangat menurun (high demand-low supply, kamu tidak akan komplain jika tau teori ini, dipelajari di smp padahal, kalau masih komplain maka saya bisa asumsi kamu pas sekolah dulu tidak perhatiin pelajaran dan nilaimu biasa saja atau bahkan di bawah itu)
4. Banyak pemakai damage bug yang bikin pemain malas berinvestasi (isi Crown) di DMO
Kalau kamu bisa jadi pemasok Crown yang mengembalikan harga seperti sebelum kamu vakum, silahkan komplain, saya (dan beberapa orang juga) ga akan risih lihat toa kamu mengenai komplain overprice
Tapi kalau kamu komplain dan tidak bisa memasok Crown, cih, mati saja
Lebih baik kamu diam, dan berusaha beradaptasi dengan harga seperti ini daripada banyak bacot doang komplain ini itu, kamu perlu baca artikel psikologi mengenai manusia yang hidupnya selalu komplain agar terbuka pikiran sempitmu
If you just came back to DMO and see the current price is different from before you away from DMO then you complain it as overprice without knowing what's the cause, you are really a shameless human being, don't you realize that you're just came back, you didn't go through what happened in DMO while you're away from DMO, I can say that you, who can only complain about overprice, is short-minded
I hope you will not complain again and start learning how to solve a problem and how to adapt after I leak what's the cause of this current price, don't be the-always-complain-guy
1. Bits is very easy to earn if your Equipment is good enough, and there are too many players have that Equipment, which mean is, there are too many players who are rich (in Bits)
2. Too many players have this thought: I don't want to make any expense or spend real money to buy Crown item which is can be bought only from the cash shop, I only want to buy Crown item using Bits, I don't want to charge any Crown
Which means, the player who has that thought is depending on the other player which is the Crown supplier
3. High demand on Crown-item-paid-by-Bits, meanwhile the Crown supplier is nearly gone (high demand-low supply, you will not complain if you know this theory, you learned this on middle school thogh, if you complain about overprice, then i can assume you did not pay attention when you're at school and your grade is so-so or lower than it)
4. Too many damage bug users that made players think twice to invest (charge Crown) in DMO
If you are able to be the Crown supplier who can suppress the current price into the price before you're away from DMO, go on, complain as many as you want, I (and some players, too) will not have any problem with your megaphone about overprice complain
But, if you complain and can't be the Crown supplier, just go to hell
Be quiet and try to adapt with the current price are better than can only complain, you need to read a psychology article about people who can only complain in his life to fix your short-minded
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